I have just spent the morning talking to my friend in Australia she has stage 1 and needs surgery on Tuesday which is rubbish news and i'm wishing I had gone to Sydney but we didn't get there!! I feel great talking to her and hopefully helping even in a small way. Then there is Steven Sutton, just came on the news again about him having terminal cancer and he has raised 2 and a half million for the childrens cancer charity. Amazing and if i'm ever faced with the same situation I would want to raise 1 million for CancerCare :) .... = 1 year funding not much really.
It's Starwalk tonight and the video will be shown. I worry about people thinking I have done it for me but it really really isn't. I felt so good that my hairdresser went and got checked because she had a lump, it was nothing but she said because of me she checked and that's all I want is for people to be aware it can happen and if it does happen CancerCare will be there if they are needed. That is such a good feeling.
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